The Sunshine & Grease Festival
Opening: Thursday 24 July Dates: 26 July-27 Jul 2008
S&G is a new outlet for new and second hand printed matter, Music and Film.
Situated in the front room at Bus Gallery (117 Little Lonsdale St Melbourne).
Opening Hours: Thursday 12-6pm Friday 12-8pm Saturday 12-6pm
Seriously interested in arts, music and underground culture, S&G is stocking a wide range of art books, fanzines, comix, literature and non fiction as well as local and imports of the best in new and old music. Sunshine and Grease is community focused. I.E. We care about what is happening globally and locally. Sunshine & Grease believes that Melbourne is one of the greatest artistic hot spots on the planet.
The evidence can be seen around us every day. And here it is in spades my friends…
Featuring 19 acts from Melbourne and 1 from Sydney. All hand picked by the proprietor.
The event will also hold an art raffle full of work by some of Melbourne’s best as yet un-discovered artists as well as a few surprises.
Only $7 per day. Bring money for raffles and beer donations.
The sounds:
2:30 Cougar Flashy
3:10 eyeoff
4:00 Jason Heller
4:40 Always
5:20 Juarez and Absoluten Calfeutrail
6:00 Wasted Truth
6:40 The French
7:20 Paeces
7:50 Anthony Pateras
8:30 Lost Animal
9:10 Circle Pit
10:10 Panel of judges
2:30 Oranj Punjabi
3:10 Bam Brothers
3:50 Neil Sweeney
4:30 Evelyn Morris with Bum Creek
5:30 The Ancients
6:50 JKFuller
7:10 Helmet Head
8:00 Collapsed Toilet Vietnam
More information: http://sunshinengrease.blogspot.com