Opening: Sunday 29th October, 11am-5pm Dates: 29th October 2017
SOUNDINGS is a one-day curatorial event that presents work from the graduating cohort of RMIT’s Sound Art course in a public program of installation, performance and critical discourse. SOUNDINGS seeks to forge paths between the sonic and other sensory and conceptual registers, exploring the shifting sites of sonority within the larger framework of contemporary artistic practices. SOUNDINGS disrespects disciplinary borderlines and opens up dialogues between works across the gallery space, creating open networks of concepts, materials and affects. SOUNDINGS also marks the first public appearance of a new cultural/conceptual collective called CLIP.
SOUNDINGS is supported by Bus Projects with catalogue design by Public Office.
Participating artists:
Blaise Adamson
Lisa Rae Bartolomei
Keith W Clancy
David R Coen
Andrew Goddard
Matt Greenwood
Donald Gray
Gillian Lever
Connor McCloud-Gibson
A.P. Morton
Josh Peters
Sara Retallick
Robert Sopenlehto
Darcy Wedd