Yvette James, Andre Franco A Greater Level of Investment
Opening: Wednesday 10 July, 6-8pm Dates: 10 July - 3 August 2019
Suggesting a timeline frozen at the moment before a climactic event, the work engages the viewer in a suggestive, participatory manner, encouraging the viewer to fulfil the outcome of the work through their own sense of expectation. The work and viewer interacting to create the action between them, object as a beginning and viewer as conclusion. The anticipatory reaction adopted by bodies in the space is the substitute for conception of the suggested action, as a body adopts the anxiety that leads suspense.
The anticipation of the outcome exists only in the viewer’s mind yet the reality of it is materialised through individual expectation. The viewer acknowledges the work from their subjective social conditioning, causing the fulfilment of the action to be produced in a multitude of different ways, each specific to the individual’s imagination. The work acts as a spectrum of conclusions, each slightly different, encouraging an environment of curiosity in which the work is adapted to the viewer, by the viewer.
The functioning qualities of the industrial object, omnipresent within the space, blurs the line between art object and architecture, these thresholds reformatting the gallery as part of the work. The peculiar possibilities that art holds is threaded into the foundations of the building, warping the structure we assume as both reliable and stagnant. As object and building intertwine the space is reassessed, no longer receding into invisibility, dragged up for closer inspection.
Yvette James is a Melbourne/Naarm based artist working with spatial installation to affect the body in fabricated space. Concerned with engaging the viewer through pre-intellectualised emotional response, Yvette offers her work as a conduit for embodied reaction. Aiming to create a space in which a level of engagement is accessible via raw materials influencing the body. Through manipulating and responding to the architecture, her work questions the stability of our daily reliance on human made structures while simultaneously creating potential responses of unrest. Yvette completed her Bachelor of Fine Art at Monash University in 2018, receiving both the MUMA Graduate Award and the Debut Curator Award. Since then she has exhibited at Blindside ARI in DEBUT XV, alongside participating in Hatched: The National Graduate Show at Perth Institute of Contemporary Art. Yvette has an upcoming solo show at Blindside ARI in September.
Andre Franco is a Melbourne based installation artist interested and questioning how the altered site is informed by the existing space. How the parameters of what already exists has potential to inform a suggestive, altered space by raising architectural questions about the nature of the domestic, institutional and the thresholds between the two spaces. Slippages occur between moments of stasis and movement, encouraging an ongoing perpetual motion of an action while engaging elements of mimicry and the uncanny within the space. We are forced to acknowledge our surroundings. The consequence of alteration is questioned, asking us to pay attention to the existing space. In 2018, He completed a Bachelor of Fine Art from Monash University and in 2019 is currently undertaking his honours degree.